
Friday Dec 11, 2015
Friday Dec 11, 2015
Sport historians Murray Phillips and Gary Osmond from the University of Queensland join me for the final episode of 2015. Our three way chat examines their new book, Sport History in the Digital Era, the impact of the digital humanities, the changing character of teaching, the uses of geo-mapping software, and Wikipedia.

Thursday Oct 01, 2015
Episode 13 – Steve Redhead: Football, Accelerated Culture and Politics
Thursday Oct 01, 2015
Thursday Oct 01, 2015
Steve Redhead from Charles Sturt University joins me to discuss his latest book, Football and Accelerated Culture: This Modern Sporting Life. In a wide-ranging chat, we speak about his career, the politics of popular culture, the post-GFC cultural condition, football hooliganism, and the rise of physical cultural studies.

Wednesday Sep 02, 2015
Episode 12 – Kirsten Frandsen: Mediatisation and Sport in Denmark and Scandinavia
Wednesday Sep 02, 2015
Wednesday Sep 02, 2015
Kirsten Frandsen from the Department of Media and Journalism Studies at Aarhus University discusses media and sport in Denmark and Scandinavia. Topics covered include the study of mediatisation, public service media, and the challenges of conducting bilingual research.

Thursday Jul 16, 2015
Episode 11 – Norman Li: Sport, Journalism and Social Media in China
Thursday Jul 16, 2015
Thursday Jul 16, 2015
In this episode we hear from another new voice in media sport research. PhD researcher and professional sports journalist, Norman Li, speaks about the state of sports media, journalism and social media in China. We also cover the FIFA Women's World Cup, the Chinese newspaper market, nationalism, and the Asian Games.

Friday May 29, 2015
Friday May 29, 2015
Two leading international figures in mobile media and communications studies, Gerard Goggin and Larissa Hjorth, discuss the state of the field, Asian media cultures, mobile gaming and e-sports. Attention also turns to disability, the Paralympics and Oscar Pistorius.

Thursday Apr 30, 2015
Episode 9 – Portia Vann: Twitter, Social Media, Netball and the Asian Cup
Thursday Apr 30, 2015
Thursday Apr 30, 2015
In this episode we hear from a new voice in media sport research. Speaking via Skype, Portia Vann from the Social Media Research Group at the Queensland University of Technology discusses Twitter, the 2015 Asian Cup, and netball in Australia and New Zealand. We also chat about social media teams for major events, multilingual social networking, and software-assisted analysis.

Monday Apr 06, 2015
Episode 8 – Thomas Horky: Sports Journalism and Media in Germany
Monday Apr 06, 2015
Monday Apr 06, 2015
Thomas Horky from Macromedia University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg chats about sports journalism, the International Press Sports Survey, and social media and the news. We also cover the FIFA World Cup, the Bundesliga & the media machine surrounding Ronaldo.

Monday Mar 23, 2015
Monday Mar 23, 2015
Thomas Oates discusses the NFL, the Super Bowl, mythic spectacle, sports video games, and neo-liberalism. Also listen in for why the O'Bannon vs the NCAA legal dispute matters for US college sports and the video game industry.

Monday Mar 09, 2015
Episode 6 – A special hour-long chat with Lawrence Wenner
Monday Mar 09, 2015
Monday Mar 09, 2015
Larry Wenner discusses the history of the field, sports dirt, George Gerbner, fallen heroes, gendered inequality, and the enduring value of critical analysis.

Friday Dec 12, 2014
Episode 5 - Holly Thorpe: Action Sports Cultures and Mobilities
Friday Dec 12, 2014
Friday Dec 12, 2014
Holly Thorpe from the Department of Sport and Leisure Studies at the University of Waikato in New Zealand talks about action sports, mobilities, the transnational imaginary, digital commemoration, GoPros, YouTube, parkour on the Gaza Strip, and Red Bull space jumps!