
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
Episode 24 – Robin Kietlinski: Women, Gender and Sport in Japan
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
The Series is back in 2017 with a fascinating discussion about the relationship between women, gender and sport in Japan. I am joined by Robin Kietlinski, the author of 'Japanese Women and Sport: Beyond Baseball and Sumo'. We discuss the history of women's sport, the challenges of linguistic and cultural translation, and the significance of the upcoming 2020 Olympics and Paralympics in Tokyo.

Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
In the final episode of 2016, Jimmy Sanderson (@Jimmy_Sanderson) from Arizona State University outlines the changing features of the social media landscape. We discuss the rise of Snapchat, Twitter and its discontents, and the pressing need to examine family communication in the context of sports. We also speak about the spectacle of the Little League World Series and what it says about the state of youth sports.

Monday Oct 31, 2016
Episode 22 – T.L. Taylor: The Rise and Significance of eSports
Monday Oct 31, 2016
Monday Oct 31, 2016
Speaking via Skype, leading games studies scholar, T.L. Taylor (@ybika) from MIT Game Lab, explains why eSports matter in terms of social inclusion (the AnyKey Initiative – www.anykey.org/), fandom, and the rise of live streaming. We also discuss the history of eSports and their complicated relationship with other types of sporting competition.

Tuesday Sep 20, 2016
Tuesday Sep 20, 2016
In a wide-ranging discussion, leading digital media scholar and keen surfer, Mark Andrejevic (@MarkAndrejevic), explains the logic of drones and their relationship to automation, sensors, data and power. We also discuss journalism, post-truth politics, the World Surf League and the appeal of surfing as a pastime.

Saturday Jul 30, 2016
Episode 20 – Andy Billings: Olympic Media, Nationalism and Rio 2016
Saturday Jul 30, 2016
Saturday Jul 30, 2016
Recorded in the lead-up to the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, this episode features a discussion with leading sport communication and Olympic media scholar, Andy Billings, from the University of Alabama. He shares his insights on the power of the Olympic Games as a television and media event, and its intersections with nationalism and race. We also discuss the relationship between sport and social change, and the growth of the fantasy sport industry in the US.

Wednesday Jun 29, 2016
Episode 19 – Tom Evens: Television, Media Markets and Sport in Europe
Wednesday Jun 29, 2016
Wednesday Jun 29, 2016
As the UEFA Euro 2016 football championships take place, Tom Evens (@EvensTom) from Ghent University in Belgium outlines the economic power of television and the effects of market liberalisation across Europe. He also shares his insights about the weakening of the public service television sector, informal media economies, and the unique features of Belgian media.

Friday May 13, 2016
Friday May 13, 2016
Canadian researcher, activist and athlete Danielle Peers speaks via Skype about the Paralympics, disability sport, critical disability studies, and crip and queer theory. In a discussion that ranges far and wide, we speak about ableism, art, and the politics of Paralympic disability classification systems.

Friday Apr 01, 2016
Episode 17 – Colin Agur: Mobile Phone Networks, Betting and Cricket in India
Friday Apr 01, 2016
Friday Apr 01, 2016
Colin Agur (@colinagur) from Yale University speaks via Skype about the relationship between mobile phones, second order networks, gambling and cricket in India. We also discuss the unanticipated outcomes of mobile network development, The Great Indian Phone Book, and the Delhi rape case.

Friday Feb 26, 2016
Episode 16 – A Special Hour-Long Chat with David Rowe
Friday Feb 26, 2016
Friday Feb 26, 2016
This episode presents a special hour-long chat with one of the world's preeminent figures in the study of sport and media. In a wide-ranging discussion, David Rowe offers his insights into the state-of-the-field, his intellectual development during the Thatcher era, Cohen's Folk Devils and Moral Panics, the sociology of sport, technophilia, and the continuing significance of the media sport cultural complex.

Friday Feb 05, 2016
Friday Feb 05, 2016
Ana Vimieiro (anavimieiro.com/) discusses far-reaching transformations in Brazilian professional football and fan media practices. Issues covered include the 2014 FIFA World Cup, politics, television coverage, female fandom, and the excitement of Inferno Alvinegro!